
DevOps Engineer

  • Bash Bash
  • PowerShell PowerShell
  • Python Python
  • Docker Docker
  • Kubernetes Kubernetes
  • Ansible Ansible
  • Chef Chef
  • Puppet Puppet
  • Terraform Terraform

Mertens - Malam Team is seeking a DevOps Engineer for a government office in Jerusalem.

Job Description:

  • Planning, implementing, and managing cloud infrastructures and automation processes.
  • Building CI/CD processes to enable fast and reliable code deployment to various environments.
  • Monitoring and improving the performance of existing systems, identifying issues before they become critical.
  • Managing configurations, creating scripts for process automation, and strengthening information security in infrastructures.

Job Requirements:

  • At least four years of experience in the field.
  • Experience working with container tools such as Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Experience working with infrastructure management tools like Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, or Chef.
  • Knowledge of scripting languages: Bash, Python, PowerShell.
  • Experience working with GCP – advantage. 
מרטנס | Mertens – מקבוצת מלם תים