
AI-powered Crop Intelligence Solutions

Taranis is focused on leading the AI-powered crop intelligence revolution by providing agribusinesses and farmers with critical insights into crop health in order to maximize productivity and yield.

Taranis is dedicated to helping agricultural advisors demonstrate value to their growers and build better relationships through full-service, leaf-level data capture.The company’s solutions combine cutting-edge technology with deep agronomy expertise, enabling advisors to cover more acres by scouting remotely, act with more speed using timely insights, and unlock more opportunities by showing growers how to stabilize crop yields.Taranis applies deep AI and machine learning trained by a dataset of over 50 million submillimeter aerial images that are captured through drones and satellites and continuously optimized by a team of agronomists.

More than 100 agribusinesses, including many top agricultural retailers and crop protection companies, rely on Taranis for critical insights into crop health and threats across millions of acres in order to drive better outcomes for their growers.