MSD Animal Health Technology Labs Netanya

Innovating the Future of Animal Health

MSD Animal Health Technology Labs is where we transform vision into reality.

It's where ideas become technologies, and cutting-edge technologies become solutions for animal care and management. MSD Animal Health Intelligence Technology Labs supports farmers by providing real-time actionable information to help them manage their herds. it provides pet owners with smart devices and data that give them a better understanding of their pets’ activity and health needs, enriching relationships. it helps conservationists safeguard natural environments and wildlife. Leveraging decades of R&D experience across many markets, technologies and species, along with development environments and QA procedures, we're always inventing new ways to look after the health and well-being of animals.

Our decades of experience keep us ahead of curve by leveraging advanced technologies solutions from enhancing the precious bond between people and their pets to advancing animal healthcare and wildlife preservation. Visit our website: