
AI powered SaaS platform for Connectivity Monitoring, Management and Planning

Flycomm has developed an AI-based software platform for monitoring, analyzing and dynamically managing the wireless connectivity landscape.Our clients include security organizations, cellular providers and telecom infrastructure companies, transportation companies and critical infrastructure.Flycomm Provides Unprecedented Visibility into Wireless Connectivity.Our AI-powered SaaS platform delivers complete network transparency enabling users to:- Map & Verify Coverage Quality Across All Locations- Compare Performance of Various Operators & Technologies- Identify Infrastructure Gaps Impacting Operations- Ensure Smooth Connectivity for Critical Applications- Monitor Networks in Real-Time to Rapidly Address Issues- Strategically Plan and Optimize Site Locations- Precise pinpointing of site locations worldwide"Flycomm gives you the accuracy of a Drive Test combined with the planning capabilities of Simulation tools with the scalability of Crowd Source tools.

Near Real time updated data and intuitive actionable insights from our cost effective and easy to use platform gives you significant savings and a competitive advantage".