
Software Engineer Specializing in Backend and Information Security

  • C# C#
  • .NET Core .NET Core
  • Angular Angular
  • Oracle Oracle
  • DevOps DevOps
  • Microservices Microservices
  • Kubernetes Kubernetes
  • CICD
  • DevSecOps

Job Description:

As an Information security engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing,

implementing, and managing complex cybersecurity systems. Both cloud and on-prem

backend development. You will be required to develop software and use monitoring tools to

ensure resilience and high availability. The systems are highly sensitive and will be built with

top-notch security standards (OWASP TOP-10 to say the least). The development is mostly

server-side, with about 20% client-side.

Job Requirements:

  • Theoretical and practical knowledge in information and network security - MUST
  • At least 3 years of experience in Backend development – MUST
  • Knowledge in cyber security, including a basic understanding of common threats and security principles, especially in Supply Chain Security and Pipeline Protection - Major Advantage
  • Hands-On experience in authentication protocols like Kerberos and OIDC, and Encryption & Signing algorithms – Advantage
  • High-level programming languages, C#, and .NET Core ecosystem work experience Advantage
  • Knowledge or hands-on experience with CICD and DevOps or DevSecOps, Kubernetes, and microservices architecture – Advantage
  • Experience with any client-side framework, knowledge of Angular – Advantage
  • Experience with RDBMS, MSSQL, and Oracle – Advantage
  • Preference to degrees in Computer Science\Software Engineering, or an equivalent military experience
Shabak - Israeli Security Agency - Career