
Senior Frontend Engineer

  • React React ꞏ 5y
  • Vue.js Vue.js
  • Express.js Express.js
  • GraphQL GraphQL
  • Angular Angular
  • NestJS NestJS
  • Monorepos
  • Micro-frontends
  • Functional Programming
  • Routs
  • DI
  • SSR
  • State Management
  • Testing
  • TS
  • Design Systems
Joining Tikal means entering a career journey for seniors, building your tailored development roadmap. Here, you are the one to choose the technologies you want to practice, and steer your tech career to becoming a Frontend Tech Lead.

While seniority doesn't signify the end of learning, it can often be difficult to find the time and hands-on experience to focus on your professional development. At Tikal, you can choose what you want and need to learn, have a mentor to take you there, and the hands-on practice to "walk the talk".


  • Consulting for FrontEnd best practices & tools
  • Transforming org’s from monoliths to micro-frontend architecture
  • Establishing coding standards across multiple development teams
  • Creating tech design documents from a feature descriptions
  • Implementing with performance, security and scalability in mind
  • Utilizing industry standard paradigms
  • Taking feature ownership from design, architecture, task breakdown, implementation and testing and production.
  • Always Hands-on

Learn: Create your own personal roadmap-

  • Choose what you want and need to learn
  • Work with a mentor to take you there
  • Get all the needed knowledge
  • Practice hands-on to "walk the talk"


  • 5+ years of experience in Frontend engineering
  • Proficient with React (Angular/ Vue is a plus)
  • Independent & Autodidact you know when to take action and when to raise flags
  • Fluent with REST, functional programing, TS, state management, testing, routs, Design Systems
  • Familiar with DI, Monorepos, micro-frontends, SSR
  • Experience with GraphQL, Express, NestJS, SQL/NoSQL is a Plus.
  • Eager to be a tech influencer and have a broad impact on the entire DevEx
  • Passionate about technology and doing things the right way

Let’s talk