Cyberbit Ra'anana

Cyber Skill Development Platform

Cyberbit offers cybersecurity solutions for sensitive and valuable systems in government, military, enterprise, academia, and other fields.

Its solutions use machine learning, big data, graph-based malware analysis, and other technologies to detect, analyze, and respond to advanced threats.

The Cyberbit platform provides security leaders with a single destination for managing all SOC readiness and skill development activities.

Organizations use Cyberbit to benchmark and quantify their information security teams, plan and run skill development programs, screen candidates, and train new hires.

The Cyberbit platform provides hands-on cyber labs and a large catalog of live-fire, simulated cyberattacks.

Live-fire exercises run in a hyper-realistic cyber range that emulates real-world networks and provides commercial security tools, including SIEM, firewall, and EDR products.Cyberbit Ltd is a subsidiary of Elbit Systems.